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Termly is a vital tool for screen print businesses in the digital space, offering solutions for legal compliance, such as privacy policy generation and cookie consent management, essential for any business website.

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Termly provides various pricing options, including a free basic plan and more comprehensive paid plans that offer additional legal compliance features.


Website Compliance: Ensures websites comply with legal requirements like GDPR, CCPA, and more. Cookie Consent Management: Manages cookie consent for website visitors, a crucial aspect of online privacy laws. Legal Policy Generation: Automatically generates necessary legal policies for websites.


Automated Legal Policies: Creates terms and conditions, privacy policies, and disclaimers tailored to specific business needs. Compliance Monitoring: Keeps track of legal changes and updates policies accordingly. User-Friendly Interface: Simplifies the complex process of legal compliance for business owners.


Vs. LegalZoom/Shopify’s Policy Generator: While LegalZoom offers a broader range of legal services, Termly specializes in online compliance. Shopify’s policy generator is more basic compared to Termly’s comprehensive solutions.